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Still Moving

 Me and my fellow interns for next year 

There have been many times this past year when I have wondered if God was still moving, still doing things in the world.  Grief has a way of making everything stop, consuming your mind until you can no longer see the presence and power of God at work.  It seems that you will be stuck in the mire forever, nothing will ever change. 

My life seemed to screech to a halt on June 30, 2017.  Everything was consumed by sadness; it was almost impossible to see any improvement, any growth in myself.  I had no idea how I was supposed to live without my brother, let alone live out my calling of ministry.  I had been plunged into darkness, with no light at the end of the tunnel.  

Then, two weeks after Jacob died, I got the chance to come back to Crossroads Summer Camp, to see the friends that I had left behind as I rushed to my family’s side.  I walked in the door to the evening service and smiled for one of the first times in weeks as my fellow summer staffers surrounded me.  As we gathered as a team, the rallying cry on three was, “for Jacob.”  I walked into the service, sang words I wasn’t sure I believed at the moment, and God spoke to me: “I am still God, and I am still good.”  As I stood in that room, not feeling like God was good but speaking that truth anyway, my Jesus reminded me that He was not dead.  He was alive and moving in this world, and in me. 

Many more times this year, I have felt stuck, confused, alone; hurt.  Many more times this year, God has shown me that He is still God, and He is still good.  Every single time I get overwhelmed by the brokenness in my own heart and in the hearts of others, Jesus steps in and shows me how He is working redemption and healing.  And He keeps on doing it; working in this world, even though He doesn’t owe us anything, in fact, it is us who owe Him everything.  

I have the blessing this summer of being back in SC working for the ministry that has supported me so steadfastly throughout this year.  And, every day, I get to see God working in the lives of students.  Here are just a few stories from this summer J

I sang with a girl in our jam lounge and knew from the Lord that He was going to call her to ministry. And that night, she responded to that call. 

Another girl received Christ as her Lord and Savior one night and the very next night accepted a call to ministry, beginning to minister that very night to another student. 

A boy who was an atheist 2 months ago accepted a call to ministry.  

Every week we pray for individuals by name and see them respond to Jesus’ invitation in their lives. Every week we see teenagers learn to share the gospel and their testimony and actually share with others. Every week, we see hundreds of students worship Jesus together as the Body of Christ.  

And, all summer, we come together as a staff; loving, encouraging, and spurring one another on toward Christ.  We come alongside each other in suffering and in celebration.  And none of us leave the summer the same way we came to it.  

I marvel every week that I get to do this.  This is my calling.  Yes, it is difficult, yes, I feel so unqualified for it, and, yes, there are still days that I can’t seem to see God moving.  But I know He is; He is moving.  He is restoring, healing; reviving people all over this world.  And I get to be a part of it; I get to see Him do it.  

For this season of my life, God has called me to live out my call to ministry here in SC, working as an intern for this ministry, Clayton King Ministries.  I get to be a part of the movement of God at CKM as they preach the gospel and make disciples all over the world.  As I step into this next season, I ask all of you for your support. First, your support in prayer.  Ministry is amazing, but it is not without difficulty. Pray for me as I move away from home and work to advance the Kigndom of God.  Pray for the people that CKM touches throughout the year; that their hearts would be full of good soil and bear much fruit for the gospel.  

I would also ask you to support me financially.  I need $4,200 more to be fully funded for the next year.  Would you pray about supporting me financially as well as in prayer?  I cannot wait to see what God is going to do this next year, but I cannot do this thing without you J   

Please visit the following link to give (either once or monthly) 

Love you all! 

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